Apr 24, 2014

Migrants Highly Benefited by Study in Australia

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Australia is a lucky country for all the immigrants across the planet who wishes to come here for better job opportunities, higher education, or settle permanently with permanent residency visa. The Australian cities rank in top forty regards to its infrastructural standards. The largest island country invites the young aspirants, skilled professionals to enter the country and be a part of the nation economy. Australia is surrounded by captivating landscapes and breezy culture, which makes it the most popular destination for immigration.  It not only satisfies the travelers but also invites profuse number of international students.  Australia hosts seven of the top universities in the world and the Aussie government annually invests in international scholarships.

Considerable reasons for Study in Australia

1. Global Recognition: The AQF (Australian Qualification Framework) establishes gateways between qualifications and sets the standard for learning results at each level. This framework includes secondary school, higher education, and vocational education and training (VET) courses.

2. Finest Quality:  The educational services for Overseas Students Act are designed to protect standards for international students studying in Australia. This legislation delivers regulatory requirements for education and training institutions through the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

3. Best Research: Australia has a history of producing outstanding research. There are many Australian discoveries and developments that have led to real benefits around the world.  High profile discoveries have come out of Australia that includes penicillin, WiFi, the bionic ear, the ultrasound machine and the flight data recorder (black box).

4. Foundation Studies:  For studying in Australia it’s not necessary to meet the academic requirements. There are so many institutions that offer foundation studies – one-year course designed to provide the skills and qualifications needed to continue higher education in Australia.

5. Student Visa Perks:  Student visas permit up to 40 hours per fortnight during the course is in session and unlimited hours during course breaks. This helps to cover your costs while studying in Australia but you can gain contacts and spend some of your earnings visiting beautiful places and little shopping in the country. Australia is honoured with the maximum wonders classified by UNESCO World Heritage sites.

6. Accommodation: Australia heartily welcomes students from all over the world and offers a spectrum of living options to suit all kinds of needs. You can choose accommodation depending on the length of your stay, where and what you’re studying, rental properties, on campus accommodation and home stays. You are secure in the way that you are legally protected by the Australian government’s fair trading agency wherever you live.

Your years in Australia will give you the best platform to succeed in your career, and prepare you for the challenges of the work place. It won’t just be your mind that develops – your time in the classroom will change you as a person. You’ll develop strong academic skills that can be applied to other areas and learn to think creatively and independently. Political unrest is limited in Australia, crime cases are low and strict gun control laws provide a safe environment. To ensure the easy transition, students are offered host services to help them settle in Australia.