Tag Archives: Australia Immigration

Migrate to Australia

Migrate to Australia from India

Australia is an amazing country, which offers a wide gateway of opportunities for education and job settlement. Australia visa is a dream of aspiring students and job seekers who want to reflect a limelight into their career. Opportunities are for everyone- professionals, for businessman, for skilled workers, for students and the greatest factor that allures migrants from all over the world is Australia is known for its lifestyle and stabled economy. Migration rate towards Australia is consistently increasing year after year. People are migrating either due to ample job opportunities or due to good education system.

These are the main reasons why most of the people migrate to Australia. Australia is one of the fascinating continents, which enables people to migrate to this country. With the best opportunities of work it offers excellent educations to the children of the migrants. Besides, the Australian lifestyle is not highly expensive, so anyone can have it.

Australia lacks skilled workers who can live and work in Australia. Skilled workers with experience and qualification are required to support the Australia economy. There are various ways through which a skilled person can migrate. Skilled migration program of Australia is most applied program. Whether you are a doctor, businessman, mechanical engineer, consultant, construction manager, charted accountant, nurse, lawyer, or belongs to any other occupation, one finds a good job in Australia. Like other countries Australia also follows point based migration. Point based migration make sure that applicant migration to Australia is efficient in his/her work and are capable of adapting the Australian environment. Applicant need to clear some basic section under skilled migration program- language ability (applicant must have competent knowledge of English), qualification (applicant must have required qualification), experience (having experience can let you to gain extra points), age, and nomination/sponsorship.

If the interested applicant is applying though skillselect then he/she must first submit an EOI- expression of interest. But before lodging EOI applicant must have completed English language test (IELTS) and skill assessment. Skill assessment must be from a relevant national skill assessment authority. Under skill assessment applicant is assessed on the basis of various factors. Assessment authority will provide marks under skill assessment. Also evidences are required in regards to your support financially in Australia. You are also required to show health and character certificate. Once migrating to Australia one can enjoy various legal and medical aids. One can also apply for Australian permanent resident after migrating to Australia. Australian permanent resident allows migrant to reside and work in Australia.

The procedure and processing time of visa depends on the visa category you have opted for. There are various programs for visa under Australian immigration program. These programs are divided under various subclasses. These subclasses have further various sections. It is difficult for one to remember all the visa categories and subclasses. An applicant may need to hire a migration agent. Immigration consultants help the applicant on every stage of the immigration process. Small error can lead to the cancellation of the visa to avoid such condition it becomes necessary for one to approach them. Immigration consultancy services provide consultant efficient services. There are various consultancy services in India they can help you to immigrate to Australia from India.

Australia Immigration

Enjoy Permanent Residency Benefits by Australia Immigration

Australia sets an example of a multicultural country. It is one of the most culturally diverse societies. An interested individual can move to Australia with various kinds of immigration visas. Tourist or Visitor Visa, Student Visa, Work Visa, Business Visa, Permanent Resident Visa are some of the important migration visas to Australia. However, the Australia PR visa is the most preferred visa among the all. Australia Immigration with permanent residency visa entitles the migrant with lot of benefits. Below mentioned is a broad classification of the benefits that the permanent residents enjoy in Australia.

Benefits of Australian Permanent Resident visas

If a person qualifies the eligibility he is granted the Australian permanent resident visa and it provides the immigrant to live in Australia and work in any of the Australian state. It also provides the right to study any course for any period of time in Australia. Australian permanent residence visa allows unlimited travel to and from Australia for 5 years from the date of grant to your home country or any other part of the world. Skilled permanent residence holders are entitled to work for any employer in any occupation. Permanent residents are protected by the same industrial laws as Australian citizens. They can join trade unions and claim workers compensation.

Social Security – The permanent resident migrants need to wait for 2 years before they can receive most social security income support payments.

Health care – Permanent residence visa holders are entitled to entitlement of public health care through a scheme of the government known as Medicare.

School Education – Children aged between 6-18 years are entitled to attend public (government-funded) schools.

Tax benefit for family – There are no waiting periods for family tax benefit, which can be paid to people with dependent children who have a permanent residency visa or specified classes of temporary visa (including temporary protection visas, partner, spouse and interdependency visas).

Parenting payment – Generally, to qualify for a parenting payment, a person has to live in Australia as a permanent resident for at least 2 years. Different rules apply for single parents.

Pension for Senior Citizens – To avail the pension, a person must have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for minimum 10 years.

Pension to Support Disable – If a permanent resident becomes unable to work for at least 30 hours per week due to some disability; they are entitled to claim a disability support pension and here it does not matter how long they have been living in Australia. People with pre-existing disabilities generally cannot claim a disability pension for 10 years.

The right, which is not entitled to the permanent residents are vote in federal, State or local government elections or stand for election as a candidate in these elections. Take free assessment to check your visa eligibility.

skill select program

Australia Immigration through SkillSelect Process

Australia has arranged various programs to manage its skilled migration routine. SkillSelect is one of the important changes in the migration program and the selection through these Australia Immigration procedures under SkillSelect program is based on the economic requirements of the country. There are various advantages of this program: As per the program the Australian government to manage the proper selection of immigration applicants and the number of immigrants required for particular occupation or field. The Australia immigration procedures under SkillSelect program is expected to reduce the time duration that is required for processing the visa applications.

According to the skill select program it is also expected to evaluate the shortages of skill in particular region and select the candidates accordingly. This program is highly flexible and provides the privilege of indicating the willingness to work and live in the regional part of Australia to the migrants. The provision greatly facilitates the employers who are on the lookout for particular kind of skilled workers for their work.

In Australia, there are many employers who are experiencing shortage of skilled workers in specified regional areas and that is why governments-both state and territory are attempting to help migrants settle in the regional parts of the country. SkillSelect works is an online service that makes it possible for the business people as well as the skilled workers who are interested in migrating to Australia to file their personal information for acquiring skilled visa by way of Expression of Interest (EOI). In this way, the interested migrants are drawn by the territory or state governments or the Australian employers and are nominated for the skilled visas. Sometimes, the Australian Government invites certain migrants to file a visa application. Earlier there was no compulsion for the EOI.

Main Characteristics of skilled independent (subclass 189 visa)

Skilled Independent visa is purely point based assessment and is especially for the skilled workers who have not received any sponsorship from the employer, a family member, state or territory. Once you receive visa, you can settle down or work permanently in any part of Australia. As per the Australia immigration procedures under SkillSelect Program certain family members can be included in the application. The essentialities for the skilled independent subclass 189 visa are as follows.

The employer or the state or territory government allocates this subclass visa only to those migrants who have been invited. To be invited, an applicant must:

1.  Submission of the Expression of Interest (EOI)
2.  Possess skill in particular occupation that is included in the skilled occupation list (SOL).
3.  Obtain suitable skills assessment in relevance to the occupation.
4.  Must be below 49 years of age.
5.  Must meet all the criteria related to English language
6.  Minimum 60 points in point assessment test

From 1 July, 2012 onwards, the Australian Citizenship and Immigration Department has made it compulsory for all the aspiring migrants interested in getting visa through point based skilled migration, or innovation visa or business investment programs to submit an EOI. After the EOI has been successfully submitted, the candidate receives an invitation to file a visa application.

immigration experts

Dream Colossal – Australia Immigration

Migration to a new country takes you parallel in two tracks of worries and pleasure. You explore so many opportunities not available at the homeland. India can be regarded as parent of skilled migration. A major percentage of the population are ready to take different occupations and jobs at other continents. Australia tops the list on favourite destinations among the Indian immigrants as it is stuffed with maximum of tangible benefits. But it requires you to deal all the hindrances on immigration. An expert immigration expert from immigration services should produce a positive outcome for you and reduce the complications.  Australia Immigration visa comes in different forms and formats. The immigration service needs to be specific that what your requirements are and then take the course to immigration visa. The categories of visa are as follows:

Student Visa:    Australia is a landmark destination for top universities and institutions. The right array of universities and world class institutions make the dream to get higher education unmatched and highly regarded. Student Visa is therefore the best choice.

Work Visa: Skilled Migration prefer to avail the work visa to migrate Australia. DIAC [Department of Immigration and Citizenship declare occupations on SOL ‘Skilled Occupation List’ and you can make an application if the exists job that matches to your profile. SkillSelect is the pathways to your work visa for it does a point’s based evaluation of your skills and capabilities. The immigrants are required to score a minimum of 60 points in order to stay alive on the SkillSelect. A work visa can also be availed under Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) or Regional Sponsorship.

Tourist Visa:  The mesmerising continent with amazing rural landscapes, islands, mountains lures the tourists to apply for Tourist Visas and hit on Australia immigration. As compared to other forms of visas, this is easier to acquire and remains valid only for a small time.

Business Visas: Australia has excellent business viability. Indian investors and Business community are finding Australia a good for their investments and therefore the Business Visas are being in demand more frequently.  But this requires an investor to show the potential and experience on investment.

All categories of visas have different purpose on immigration and therefore demand a specific requirement on paper work. DIAC plays a huge emphasis on first validating the economic viability on immigration and then verifying the aspect of security.  Your Australia visa must therefore comply with all the said immigration guidelines.

Australia Immigration Agents

Role of Immigration Agents for Australia Immigration

If you are among those who are interested for migration to Australia, it can be a lengthy and difficult to handle. Although, one can collect all the information online related to migration procedures, some people prefer to get registered with an immigration agent. Sometimes, it becomes that your case have some grey areas, which might end up hassling you, so it is better to contact a migration agent. The agent advises you with regards to your case, and will help you every step of the way. An immigration agent to which you hand over your case should be a registered agent. An agent is registered by the authorities in each country. This ensures you are not paying someone who does not possess the proper qualifications. A migration agent can be particularly useful because he or she will have clear cut knowledge of the migration system. Migration procedures vary in every country, and Australia is no different. There are many rules and regulations that need to be followed, and everything must be done a certain way. Sometimes without applying through a migration agent may result in careless mistakes that could demolish your application. With a registered agent, you will be confident that it is a cake walk to your application.

Migration agents specialize in a variety of case related to immigration laws and documentation process. They can assist the individuals who are looking to enter Australia to study, work or settle. They can also aid individuals and families who are looking to move to Australia permanently. Sometimes family members within Australia help by sponsoring them. Those sponsoring migrants can also obtain help from a migration agent, so that they can fulfil all their obligations and ensure the process goes smoothly. Migrating to another country can be a disheartening task at the best of times. For those who migrate for a temporary period as this process is made easier with the help of a migration agent. The agent will lessen your nightmares and ensure you are doing everything legally. Instead of spending hours sitting online for information, you can simply email or call your migration agent, and they can answer your questions. It is this level of support that makes having a migration agent so useful.

There are also volunteer organizations where the migration agents who work for free. These agents help applicants who are interested in migrating into the country. If you are having a shortage of funds these agents can help you in the best way. Being able to successfully migrate into Australia could be the beginning of your new life. A migration agent will help you from the trouble and is always advisable to consult them, just so you can save a few dollars, by doing everything yourself. Hire an expert registered migration agent and take their advice on board, regarding your case. You will benefit always from them.

Aussie Immigration Services For Enrollment

Australia – Land of Kangaroos, one of the unbeatable nations, which is the most preferred destination because of its robust economy. Recession in the major sectors on the world economy has not succeeded to disturb the economic stability of the nation. The Australian lifestyle and fascinating beauty attracts professionals providing them a chance to prosper a live a good life. The rise on the individual GDP (Gross Domestic Productivity) level signifies a good hike year after year. The immigrants are very much aware of this fact and for the same reason they apply for skilled immigration program to protect maximum chance on Australia immigration. The Aussie Labor Market lures the immigrants with the multitude job opportunities out of which 68% is composed for skilled migrant category.

DIAC (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) has fixed a tenacious program to filter the most efficient candidates. The Skill Select is a medium to evaluate the immigrant applications to able to Work in Australia. This is an entirely point-based evaluation that comprises of academic and professional skills. It is compulsory that an applicant has to score minimum 60 points to be eligible to get a visa. The dream of Immigration to Australia unveils to real when you are successful to secure good points in Skill Select program. A provisional visa to live and pursue job in Australia is the first step for Permanent Residency and once the applicants are eligible they can enjoy the rights at par to an Australian citizen.

Mere associating with top immigration offices of the country will not help you to get the visa to the nation. You need to be familiar with the frequently changing migration laws of Australia. Also you need to be aware of the convoluted requirements, documents and procedures for visa processing. The consultants at the immigration office should guide the applicants with latest and authentic information. The verification of the documents includes those of educational qualification and work experience, apart from the usual bank statement, identification proof and letter of admission to the universities. The Immigration Department of Australia publishes an annual report updating about the requirements in upcoming sectors and also about the process involved for those seeking these opportunities. Australia is advancing towards multicultural and cosmopolitan nation with global citizenship. Aussie culture and policies are immigration friendly. Today Australia is heading on with all it needs for a better future, a moving economy and a pool of adept people to build its development plans on.