Jun 28, 2018

Suspension of ACT 190 nomination program

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Canberra residents:

  • The ACT 190 nomination program is now suspended for Canberra residents with a nominated occupation listed as ‘closed ‘on the current ACT Occupation List.
  • Canberra residents with a nominated occupation listed as ‘open’ on the current ACT Occupation List are still eligible to apply for ACT 190 nomination.

Overseas residents:

  • The ACT 190 nomination program remains closed for overseas applicants without close ties to Canberra and is now closed to overseas applicants with close ties to Canberra.


What happens to current applications nominating a closed occupation?

  • ‘Commenced’: applications commenced after 4:00 pm AEST Friday 29 June 2018 will not be considered.
  • In progress’: applications commenced but not lodged prior to 4:00 pm AEST Friday 29 June 2018, must be finalised and submitted (with fee paid) by 4:00pm AEST Friday 6 July 2018. Applications not finalised by 4:00 pm AEST Friday 6 July 2018 will automatically lapse.
  • Submitted-payment pending’: payment of the service fee must be made by 4:00 pm AEST Friday 6 July 2018. If the service fee is not paid before 4:00 pm AEST Friday 6 July 2018, the application will not be considered.
  • ‘Lodged’: applications already lodged prior to 4:00 pm AEST Friday 29 June 2018 will not be affected by this suspension. Although these applications will be processed in 2018/19, they will be grandfathered and assessed against the existing 2017/18 nomination criteria.

Reason for restricting applications

As is the situation in other jurisdictions, the ACT is facing a significant increase in demand for the relatively small number of nomination places allocated annually by Home Affairs. We are currently investigating options to fairly manage the increased demand for the ACT 190 nomination program. As we work through these issues and consider options to manage demand, the program will remain closed to Canberra residents with nominated occupations listed as ‘closed’ on the current ACT Occupation List. The program will also remain closed to all overseas applicants.



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