Jun 14, 2014

Clear-cut Information on Investment Visa USA

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The Employment Based fifth preference/ EB-5 is one of the visa option to USA as per the Citizenship and Immigration Services of United States. The fifth employment based visa preference category, which was created by Congress in the year1990. It is available to immigrants who are seeking to enter the United States in order to invest in new commercial enterprises. The new enterprises must benefit the US economy and create at least ten full-time jobs. There are two ways to invest which you may use within the EB-5 category. The first is by creating a new commercial enterprise and second is by investing in a troubled business.

A Certified International Property Specialist or International Real Estate Federation Member along with team can help you understand how the investment visa program works. Broadly, the Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) and International Real Estate Federation Member (FIABIC) is a credentialed Realtor most often a member of the National Association of Realtors (i.e. internationally trained estate agent) who has participated in a series of courses focusing on critical aspects of a transnational real estate transactions.

These aspects included the following: currency and exchange rate issues, capital flows, government regulations, cross cultural relationships, final move preparation, regional market conditions, investment performance, and tax issues.

The major reasons to use a CIPS of FIABCI designee:

1. Educated to help foreign nationals purchase properties in the USA

2. Understands how currency and exchange rates impact property transactions

3. Educated to help purchase property outside the USA

4. Understands capital flows effect on foreign purchases

5. Understands how to research different government regulations impacting transnational real estate transactions

6. Educated in cross cultural relationships

7. Understands regional and local market trends for investment analysis

8. Knowledgeable of move preparations for foreign transactions

9. Provides research and guidance in seeking best tax applications for transactions

10. Provides investment performance guidance