Apr 11, 2014

Australia Immigration through SkillSelect Process

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Australia ImmigrationAustralia has arranged various programs to manage its skilled migration routine. SkillSelect is one of the important changes in the migration program and the selection through these Australia Immigration procedures under SkillSelect program is based on the economic requirements of the country. There are various advantages of this program: As per the program the Australian government to manage the proper selection of immigration applicants and the number of immigrants required for particular occupation or field. The Australia immigration procedures under SkillSelect program is expected to reduce the time duration that is required for processing the visa applications. According to the SkillSelect program it is also expected to evaluate the shortages of skill in particular region and select the candidates accordingly. This program is highly flexible and provides the privilege of indicating the willingness to work and live in the regional part of Australia to the migrants. The provision greatly facilitates the employers who are on the lookout for particular kind of skilled workers for their work.

In Australia, there are many employers who are experiencing shortage of skilled workers in specified regional areas and that is why governments-both state and territory are attempting to help migrants settle in the regional parts of the country. SkillSelect works is an online service that makes it possible for the business people as well as the skilled workers who are interested in migrating to Australia to file their personal information for acquiring skilled visa by way of Expression of Interest (EOI). In this way, the interested migrants are drawn by the territory or state governments or the Australian employers and are nominated for the skilled visas. Sometimes, the Australian Government invites certain migrants to file a visa application. Earlier there was no compulsion for the EOI.
Main Characteristics of skilled independent (subclass 189 visa)
Skilled Independent visa is purely point based assessment and is especially for the skilled workers who have not received any sponsorship from the employer, a family member, state or territory. Once you receive visa, you can settle down or work permanently in any part of Australia. As per the Australia immigration procedures under SkillSelect Program certain family members can be included in the application. The essentialities for the skilled independent subclass 189 visa are as follows.
The employer or the state or territory government allocates this subclass visa only to those migrants who have been invited. To be invited, an applicant must:

1.  Submission of the Expression of Interest (EOI)
2.  Possess skill in particular occupation that is included in the skilled occupation list (SOL).
3.  Obtain suitable skills assessment in relevance to the occupation.
4.  Must be below 49 years of age.
5.  Must meet all the criteria related to English language
6.  Minimum 60 points in point assessment test

From 1 July, 2012 onwards, the Australian Citizenship and Immigration Department has made it compulsory for all the aspiring migrants interested in getting visa through point based skilled migration, or innovation visa or business investment programs to submit an EOI. After the EOI has been successfully submitted, the candidate receives an invitation to file a visa application.