Tag Archives: Australia ermanent Residency

Australia Immigration

Enjoy Permanent Residency Benefits by Australia Immigration

Australia sets an example of a multicultural country. It is one of the most culturally diverse societies. An interested individual can move to Australia with various kinds of immigration visas. Tourist or Visitor Visa, Student Visa, Work Visa, Business Visa, Permanent Resident Visa are some of the important migration visas to Australia. However, the Australia PR visa is the most preferred visa among the all. Australia Immigration with permanent residency visa entitles the migrant with lot of benefits. Below mentioned is a broad classification of the benefits that the permanent residents enjoy in Australia.

Benefits of Australian Permanent Resident visas

If a person qualifies the eligibility he is granted the Australian permanent resident visa and it provides the immigrant to live in Australia and work in any of the Australian state. It also provides the right to study any course for any period of time in Australia. Australian permanent residence visa allows unlimited travel to and from Australia for 5 years from the date of grant to your home country or any other part of the world. Skilled permanent residence holders are entitled to work for any employer in any occupation. Permanent residents are protected by the same industrial laws as Australian citizens. They can join trade unions and claim workers compensation.

Social Security – The permanent resident migrants need to wait for 2 years before they can receive most social security income support payments.

Health care – Permanent residence visa holders are entitled to entitlement of public health care through a scheme of the government known as Medicare.

School Education – Children aged between 6-18 years are entitled to attend public (government-funded) schools.

Tax benefit for family – There are no waiting periods for family tax benefit, which can be paid to people with dependent children who have a permanent residency visa or specified classes of temporary visa (including temporary protection visas, partner, spouse and interdependency visas).

Parenting payment – Generally, to qualify for a parenting payment, a person has to live in Australia as a permanent resident for at least 2 years. Different rules apply for single parents.

Pension for Senior Citizens – To avail the pension, a person must have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for minimum 10 years.

Pension to Support Disable – If a permanent resident becomes unable to work for at least 30 hours per week due to some disability; they are entitled to claim a disability support pension and here it does not matter how long they have been living in Australia. People with pre-existing disabilities generally cannot claim a disability pension for 10 years.

The right, which is not entitled to the permanent residents are vote in federal, State or local government elections or stand for election as a candidate in these elections. Take free assessment to check your visa eligibility.