Fishermen/women – NOC : 8262

Unit Group
8262 Fishermen/women
Fishermen/women operate fishing vessels to pursue and land fish and other marine life. They are usually self-employed owner-operators of fishing vessels.
Example Titles
fishing vessel skipper
inshore fisherman/woman
lobster fisherman/woman
longliner fisherman/woman
seiner fisherman/woman
View all titles
Main duties
Fishermen/women perform some or all of the following duties:
  • Operate fishing vessel to pursue and catch fish and other marine life
  • Select area for fishing, plot courses and compute navigational positions using compasses and charts or electronic fishing aids
  • Steer vessel and operate navigational instruments
  • Operate fishing gear, direct fishing operation and supervise fishing crew members
  • Maintain engine, fishing gear and other on-board equipment
  • Record fishing activities, weather and sea conditions
  • Estimate costs of operations and plan budget for each fishing season
  • Establish fish marketing plan and keep records of all financial transactions
  • May transport fish to processing plants or fish buyers.
Employment requirements
  • Several years of experience as fishing vessel crew member or helper are usually required.
  • A commercial fishing licence is required.
  • Licences are required for each species of fish pursued.
  • Trade certification for fish harvesters is available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Additional information
  • Progression to master or mate on fishing vessels over 100 gross tonnes is possible with additional training, licensing and experience.
Classified elsewhere
  • Fishing masters and officers (8261)
  • Fishing vessel deckhands (8441)