Roofers and shinglers – NOC : 7291

Unit Group
7291 Roofers and shinglers
Roofers install, repair or replace flat roofs and shingles, shakes or other roofing tiles on sloped roofs. Shinglers install and replace shingles, tiles and similar coverings on sloped roofs. They are employed by roofing and general contractors, or they may be self-employed.
Example Titles
apprentice roofer
asphalt roofer
built-up roofer
flat roofer
residential steep roofer
single-ply roofer
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Main duties
Roofers perform some or all of the following duties:
  • Install, repair or replace built-up roofing systems using materials such as asphalt saturated felts and hot asphalt and gravel
  • Install, repair or replace single-ply roofing system using waterproof sheet materials such as modified plastics, elastomeric or other asphaltic compositions
  • Install, repair or replace shingles, shakes and other roofing tiles on sloped roofs of buildings
  • Install sheet metal flashings
  • Apply waterproof coatings to concrete or other masonry surfaces below or above ground level
  • Install and repair metal roofs using hand and power tools
  • Set up scaffolding to provide safe access to roofs
  • May estimate materials required and quote costs.
Shinglers perform some or all of the following duties:
  • Install or replace asphalt shingles, wood shingles and shakes and masonry or baked clay roofing tiles on sloped roofs of buildings
  • Set up scaffolding to provide safe access to roofs.
Employment requirements
  • Completion of secondary school is usually required.
  • For roofers, completion of a two- to three-year apprenticeship program 
  • or
  • Over three years of work experience in the trade are usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
  • Roofing trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.
  • Trade certification for residential steep roofers is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia.
  • Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified roofers upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
  • Shinglers require one to two years of on-the-job training.
Additional information
  • The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.
  • Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.
Classified elsewhere
  • Supervisors of roofers and shinglers (in 7205 Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers )