Statistical officers and related research support occupations – NOC : 1254

Unit Group
1254 Statistical officers and related research support occupations
Statistical officers and related research support occupations in this unit group provide statistical and research support services to a wide range of businesses and organizations. These workers conduct statistical routines, monitor trends, compile data and prepare charts, graphs, summaries and reports in support of organizational information needs and research activities. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors. Statistical officers who are also supervisors are included in this unit group.
Example Titles
research assistant – generalist (except university)
research support officer
social research assistant (except university)
statistical officer
technical research assistant (except post-secondary)
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Main duties
Statistical officers and related research support workers perform some or all of the following duties:
Compile tables, charts, graphs and summarized statistics for integration in research papers and reports
Process data using statistical software to conduct basic analyses of trends in support of research activities
Collect, consolidate, cross-tabulate and format data from various sources to prepare draft reports for review by supervisors or researchers
Assist in collection and tracking of data from monitored use of services and provide information to management and client groups
May prepare technical documents and monitoring reports on volumetrics and other trend analyses
May supervise statistical and research support workers.
Employment requirements
Completion of secondary school is required. A college diploma or undergraduate degree in a social science, commerce, statistics or a related field is usually required.

Additional information
Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience. Progression to professional occupations in statistics and research usually requires completion of a post-graduate degree.

Classified elsewhere
Data entry clerks (1422)
Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries (2161)
Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers (416)
Survey interviewers and statistical clerks (1454)
Classification Structure – 1