Unit Group
0016 Senior managers- construction, transportation, production and utilities
Senior managers in this unit group plan, organize, direct,control and evaluate, through middle managers, the overall operations of goodsproduction, utility, transportation and construction companies. They formulatepolicies which establish the direction to be taken by these companies, eitheralone or in conjunction with other members of a board of directors. They workin establishments throughout the following industries: fishing, forestry,logging and agriculture; mining, oil and gas extraction; construction; transportationand warehousing; printing; manufacturing; and utilities.
Example Titles
chief executive officer (CEO) – manufacturing company
chief financial officer (CFO) – urban transit system
corporate controller, logging company
executive vice-president – railway
general manager, trucking company
president, residential construction company
publishing house general manager
regional vice-president, petroleum production company
vice-president, finance – mining company
vice-president, marketing – airline
vice-president, operations – electric power company
vice-president, sales – pulp and paper manufacturing
assistant executive director – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
building construction general manager
CEO (chief executive officer) – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
CEO (chief executive officer) – manufacturing company
CFO (chief financial officer) – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
CFO (chief financial officer) – urban transit system
chief executive officer (CEO) – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
chief executive officer (CEO) – manufacturing company
chief financial officer (CFO) – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
chief financial officer (CFO) – urban transit system
chief operating officer – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
construction general manager
corporate controller – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
corporate controller, logging company
deputy chief executive officer – goods production,utilities, transportation and construction
electric power company president
engineering vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
executive director – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
executive vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
executive vice-president – railway
feed and flour mills general manager
finance and administration vice-president – goodsproduction, utilities, transportation and construction
finance vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
finance vice-president – mining company
gas distribution general manager
general manager – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
general manager, trucking company
highway construction general manager
human resources and organizational developmentvice-president – goods production, utilities, transportation and construction
human resources vice-president – goods production,utilities, transportation and construction
hydro-electric power station president
information systems vice-president – goods production,utilities, transportation and construction
manufacturing company chief executive officer
marketing vice-president – airline
marketing vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
operations vice-president – electric power company
operations vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
personnel vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
planning vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
president – goods production, utilities, transportation andconstruction
president, residential construction company
production general manager – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
publishing house general manager
regional vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
regional vice-president, petroleum production company
residential construction company president
sales vice-president – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
sales vice-president – pulp and paper manufacturing
support services vice-president – goods production,utilities, transportation and construction
transit system general manager
transport and communications general manager
trucking company general manager
vice-president – goods production, utilities, transportationand construction
vice-president, engineering – goods production, utilities,transportation and construction
vice-president, finance – mining company
vice-president, human resources – goods production,utilities, transportation and construction
vice-president, human resources and organizationaldevelopment – goods production, utilities, transportation and construction
vice-president, marketing – airline
vice-president, operations – electric power company
vice-president, sales – pulp and paper manufacturing
Main duties
Senior managers in this unit group perform some or all ofthe following duties:
Establish objectives for the company and formulate orapprove policies and programs
Authorize and organize the establishment of majordepartments and associated senior staff positions
Allocate material, human and financial resources toimplement company policies and programs; establish financial and administrativecontrols; formulate and approve promotional campaigns; and approve overallpersonnel planning
Select middle managers, directors or other executive staff
Co-ordinate the work of regions, divisions or departments
Represent the company, or delegate representatives to act onbehalf of the company, in negotiations or other official functions.
Senior managers in this unit group may specialize in areassuch as finance, marketing or human resources or in a particular product area.
A university degree or college diploma in engineering,business administration, commerce or other discipline related to the company’sproduct is usually required.
Several years of experience as a middle manager in goods production,utilities, transportation or construction are usually required.
Specialization in a particular functional area or product ispossible through specific university or college training in that area orthrough previous experience.
Senior managers in finance usually require a professionalaccounting designation.
There is mobility among senior management occupations.
Classified elsewhere
Related middle managers are classified in the following unitand minor groups: (in 071 Managers in construction and facility operation andmaintenance )
Managers in construction and facility operation andmaintenance (071)
Managers in manufacturing and utilities (091)
Managers in natural resources production and fishing (0811)
ClassificationStructure – 0