New Zealand Permanent Residency

New Zealand Permanent Residency

There are many categories under which your dream to attain permanent residence in New Zealand can come true. Some of the most categories are defined below:

Skilled Migrant Category

If you have the qualifications, skills, and experience that New Zealand needs, then you can apply under the Skilled Migrant Category. This category offers you an opportunity to live and work in New Zealand permanently.
Free online assessment for Skilled Migrant Visa
Work to Residence
Work to residence is a temporary work visa that can also help you to attain permanent residency in New Zealand if you:

  • are qualified in occupations that are in demand in New Zealand
  • have a job offer from an accredited employer, or
  • have exceptional talent in sports or arts

Investor Category

The investor category can help you o attain permanent residency in New Zealand if you are willing to make an investment of NZ$1,000,000 or more in New Zealand.

Business Category

The business category also leads to permanent residency if you have successfully established or purchased a business in New Zealand, which is trading successfully and benefiting New Zealand in some way.
To apply under this category, you must either:

  • have established or purchased the business operating in New Zealand, or
  • own a minimum 25 percent shareholding in an existing business in New Zealand

Established base in New Zealand

This category is meant for you if you have been in New Zealand as a resident for at least 41 days in the 12-month period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application, and the immediate family members included in your application have been in NZ for at least 184 days in the 2 year period. To apply under this category, you must either:

  • own and maintain a family home in New Zealand, or
  • have been genuinely employed full-time in New Zealand, in paid employment, for a total of at least 9 months in the 2 period immediately before lodging your permanent resident visa application