Tourist Visa Canada

Tourist Visa Canada

Canada welcomes you as a tourist, or other visitor. Every year, more than 5 million people visit Canada to enjoy the many opportunities Canada has to offer.

To be eligible to come to Canada as a visitor, you must:

  • have a valid travel document, such as a passport;
  • be in good health;
  • satisfy an immigration officer that you have ties, such as a job, home and family, that will take you back to your country of origin;
  • satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit; and
  • have enough money for your stay. The amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives.

You may also produce:

  • a letter of invitation from someone who lives in Canada and is inviting you to visit there.

As a visitor, tourists are free to travel anywhere throughout Canada and visit family, friends and experience Canada’s many attractions. They may also register for short courses relating to courses of areas of general interest, self-improvement or to register to learn English or French. During their stay, visitors can meet with prospective employers or recruiters and seek out exciting employment opportunities, explore world-class schools and educational institutions to pursue further studies, and investigate options for extending their stay in Canada.

Visa Fee
150 CAD
Multiple Entry
75 CAD
Single Entry
Transit for less than 48 hours
OTHER COSTS (If Applicable)
Police Clearance
Variable(Depending on Nationality and Local Govt Rules)
Required and requested by CIC
Required for each country where the applicant has lived for more than 12 months.
Medical Examination fee
Variable(Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required)
Required and requested by CIC payable directly to the doctor
Translation/certification Of documents fees
Variable(depending on the translator)
Payable to the Translator
1499 + GST
One of our expert migration agent would professionally‚ prepare your visa application for the best possible results