Spouses Visa Canada and Dependent Children Visa

Spouses Visa Canada and Dependent Children Visa

A Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada who is 18 years of age or older can sponsor a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children to come to Canada as permanent residents.

Visa acquiring process(Sponsoring Spouses & Dependent Children)

  • To be a sponsor, you must be 18 years of age or older. Your spouse or dependent children can be inside or outside Canada at the time of application.
  • To be eligible to become a sponsor for spouse, common-law or conjugal partner, or dependent children to become permanent residents of Canada, you must promise to support them financially. Therefore, you have to meet certain income requirements.
  • If you have previously sponsored relatives to come to Canada and they have later turned to the government for financial assistance, you may not be allowed to sponsor another person.

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[accordion-item title=”To be eligible to sponsor in this category:”]

  • You must provide financial support for a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner for three years from the date they become a permanent resident.
  • You must provide financial support for a dependent child for 10 years, or until the child turns 25, whichever comes first.


[accordion-item title=”Eligibility for Spouse”]

  • You are eligible to apply under this visa as a spouse if you are married to your sponsor and your marriage is legally valid.


[accordion-item title=”For people who were married in Canada:”]

  • You must have a marriage certificate issued by the province or territory where the marriage took place.


[accordion-item title=”For people who were married outside Canada:”]

  • The marriage must be valid under the law of the country where it took place and under Canadian law.
  • A marriage performed in an embassy or consulate must comply with the law of the country where it took place, not the country of nationality of the embassy or consulate.


[accordion-item title=”Eligibility for dependent Children”]

  • A son or daughter is eligible as a dependent if he/she:
  • is under the age of 22 and does not have a spouse or common-law partner(not married)
  • is over the age of 22 and has been continuously enrolled as a full-time student and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22(continuous study till date)
  • became a spouse or a common-law partner before the age of 22 and has been continuously enrolled as a full-time student and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since becoming a spouse or common-law partner
  • is over the age of 22 and depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 because of a physical or mental condition.
  • Same sex partners, common-law partners and conjugal partners are also allowed to apply under this category and have special requirements.
  • The applicant is required to satisfy certain health and character requirements for this visa category


[accordion-item title=”Limelight – Sponsoring Spouses and Dependent Children Visa “]

  • If your application for this family visa is approved, the visa office will issue a permanent resident visa to you.
  • Your permanent resident visa includes your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) and your entry visa.
  • As permanent residents, you and your family members will have the right to live, study and work in Canada for as long as you remain permanent residents .
  • Apply for Canadian citizenship, and if granted, apply for a Canadian passport once you have been a legal permanent resident for three of the four previous years.





Sponsorship Application
75 CAD
Applicable per Application
Principal Applicant
Applicable per Applicant
550 CAD
If principal applicant has family member above 22 or below 22 years of age and spouse of common law partner
150 CAD
If principal applicant has family member below 22 years of age and not a spouse of common law partner
OTHER COSTS (If Applicable)
Police Clearance
Variable(Depending on Nationality and Local Govt Rules)
Required and requested by CIC
Required for each country where the applicant has lived for more than 12 months.
Medical Examination fee
Variable(Depending on the type of medical tests and examinations Required)
Required and requested by CIC payable directly to the doctor
Translation/certification Of documents fees
Variable(depending on the translator)
Payable to the Translator
2800 + GST
One of our expert migration agent would professionally‚ prepare your visa application for the best possible results

We are the pioneer in the field of immigration and global resettlement solutions. We provide you the most appropriate advice and support to your visa application with the help of the best immigration specialists. A certified Immigration agent will take care of your application right from reviewing the documents, filing your application to getting your Visa. Visas Simply is not a government entity, it is a private company which initiates your visa application on your behalf. The Visas Simply fee for Sponsoring Spouse and Dependent Visa is AUD 2800. The government fee of CAD 75 (Sponsorship Application fee per applicant) + CAD 475 (Principal Applicant fee) + CAD 550 (If principal applicant has family member above 22 or below 22 years of age and spouse of common law partner) OR CAD 150 (If principal applicant has family member below 22 years of age and not a spouse or common law partner) is charged apart from the Visas Simply service fee. If you do not wish to use the services of Visas Simply, you can apply through the official website of the Canadian Government for a Sponsoring Spouse and Dependent Visa. The government charges would be applicable as mentioned above. If the free assessment result suggest that you are not eligible for a Work Permit Visa, we will recommend an alternative service to you.