Saskatchewan Nominee Program

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Canada

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program is a permanent immigration program designed by the province of Saskatchewan that works under the agreement of federal government. This program provides an easier means to enter into Canada since the province of Saskatchewan nominate applicants for the Federal government for permanent residency status. The SINP provides:

  • Selection based on the province’s economic and labour force needs for applicant.
  • Application processing time is faster than Federal Skilled Worker Visa.
  • Provincial immigration officers providing assistance all through the process.

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program skilled worker category is for skilled workers who want to live and work in Saskatchewan. This category enables the SINP to nominate individuals that have educational qualification, experience, language and adaptability to establish in the province of Saskatchewan.

The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program for skilled workers is a two-step immigration process.

Step 1: Online application to the SINP office

  • The SINP will review your application.
  • If approved, the SINP will send a nomination to CIC and send a work permit letter to you.

Step 2: Apply to CIC intake office with SINP nomination

  • CIC will review your application.
  • CIC will perform health and character verifications.

You can qualify to apply under SINP International Skilled Workers category if:

  • You live outside Canada legally or you have legal proof of living status in Canada.
  • You have scored a minimum of 60 points out of hundred in the points assessment grid.
  • You have at least one year of work experience in past ten years in the desired profession.
  • You have got a minimum language score of CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) 4.
  • You possess a permanent, full-time job offer from a Saskatchewan Employer.
  • If you do not have a job offer, then your field of education or training must be in a high skilled occupation and you should have completed post-secondary education or training.

The applicants should keep in mind that SINP nomination is subject to the nomination limits set by Federal Government. The nomination is affected by these constraints and program criterion.

An applicant should score a minimum of 60 points out of 100 on the point assessment grid if he or she is a skilled worker to be considered for nomination.

An applicant is awarded points on the basis of following criteria:

  • Work experience in a skilled occupation
  • Language proficiency
  • Age
  • Labour market of Saskatchewan and employment availability in it

The applicant should attach all the documents to support the information provided in the application for eligibility criteria. For instance, if someone is getting 20 points for completing his or her university education, he or she must attach a copy of university degree and complete transcripts. If the educational documents are in some other language, then a translated copy of the degree or certificate must be attached to it.