The Canadian Provincial Nomination is a rapid way to attain Canadian Permanent Residence.Under the provincial Nomination Programs, the Canadian provinces & territories can nominate individuals who are interested in settling in a particular province or territory. Each of the Canadian provinces (except Quebec) has its own unique provincial Programs under which they have agreements with the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) that enables them to select immigrants that fit in their selection criteria.
Under this program, the migrants with certain skills & experience targeted by Alberta are offered Alberta Provincial Nomination Certificate to speed up their migration process.
Under this program, the migrants with certain skills & experience targeted by Nova Scotia are offered Nova Scotia Provincial Nomination Certificate to speed up their migration process.
Under this program, the migrants with certain skills & experience targeted by Saskatchewan are offered Saskatchewan Provincial Nomination Certificate to speed up their migration process.
Under this program, the migrants with certain skills & experience targeted by Manitoba are offered Manitoba Provincial Nomination Certificate to speed up their migration process.