Spouse Visa

Spouse Visa Australia

Spouse Visa Australia permits the spouse or De Facto partner of an Australian permanent resident or a suitable New Zealand citizen to live in Australia. There can also be some circumstances where the visa is granted even if the relationship with your partner has ended. The first step towards applying for a partner visa is applying for the Temporary Partner Visa (subclass 820). The applicant should be in Australia when he or she applies and also when this visa is adjudicated. One can apply for both permanent and temporary spouse visa simultaneously with one application charge.

De Facto Partners

To apply for Spouse Visa as a De Facto partners, the applicant must prove that the applicant and the sponsor should be living together for a period of twelve months before applying for the visa. To be eligible to apply for spouse visa as De Facto partners:

  • He or she should be sponsored by an eligible Australian citizen or a permanent resident of Australia.
  • He or she should be able to prove that both the applicants are in genuine relationship.
  • Both of them should be living together.
  • Both of them should meet all the necessary health and character requirements.

Limitations on Spouse Visa Sponsorships

The sponsorship for spouse or prospective marriage visa might be disapproved if:

  • The applicant has sponsored for spouse visa before within the time period of five years.
  • He or she has successfully sponsored an individual for a spouse visa before.
  • He or she has successfully sponsored an individual for Australian immigration.

Health and Character Requirements

The applicant must meet all health and character requirements. The results of health examinations are valid for 12 months. This condition applies to all the applicants in the applications. The applicant should also have no outstanding debt to Australian government and should be able to support his or her partner financially.