State Capital Visa subclass 189 Visa subclass 190 Visa subclass 489
ACT Australian Capital Territory Canberra
NSW New South Wales Sydney
NT Northern Territory Darwin
QLD Queensland Brisbane
SA South Australia Adelaide
TAS Tasmania Hobart
VIC Victoria Melbourne
WA Western Australia Perth


Major Group: 2 – Professionals | Sub-Major Group: 25 – Health Professionals | Minor Group: 251 – Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals | Unit Group: 2513 – Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals
Description: Develops, enforces and evaluates environmental health policies, programs and strategies to improve health outcomes, and oversees the implementation and monitoring of environmental health legislation. Registration or licensing may be required.
Skill Level 1 : Occupations at Skill Level 1 have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification.
  • Food Safety Auditor
  • Food Safety Officer
Specialisation titles are any commonly used titles which refer to a subset of jobs belonging to the occupation designated in the principal title. These jobs involve the performance of specialised tasks rather than the broader range of tasks usually performed in the occupation.


Description: Develop, implement and evaluate policies and programs to monitor environmental health and occupational health and safety and related legislation to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, and assist injured staff through the workers’ compensation and rehabilitation process.
Skill Level: Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
Registration or licensing may be required.
  • developing, implementing and reviewing environmental health management plans and occupational health and safety plans
  • preparing and implementing plans and strategies for the safe, economic and suitable disposal of commercial, industrial, medical and household wastes
  • advising on and enforcing legislation, implementing prevention programs and strategies for communicable diseases, food safety, waste water treatment and disposal systems, recreation and domestic water quality, contaminated and hazardous substances, and minimising air, sea, water and noise pollution to improve health outcomes
  • identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in the workplace
  • developing, implementing and monitoring programs minimising workplace and environmental pollution involving chemical and physical hazards
  • promoting ergonomic principles within the workplace such as matching furniture, equipment and work activities to the needs of employees
  • inspecting and auditing workplaces, processes, plant, and chemical and physical hazards for legislative compliance
  • training employees in personal protective equipment and safe working procedures
  • recording and investigating injuries and equipment damage, and reporting safety performance
  • coordinating the return of injured workers into the workplace
Other occupations in this Unit Group
  • 251312 – Occupational Health and Safety Adviser